12 Tips to Sprite through Summer – Start from the unisex perfume list
Don’t we all envy school kids when its summer, wishing we too could get a 2 month off? If we did, quite a lot of us grown ups would want to probably run to a cold country or hide under an oak tree’s shadow. Ok, so jokes apart, adaptability is a forte when it comes to us humans but we do have our own struggles when the weather changes. And when it’s summer time, it’s more like Lana Del Ray’s “Summer time sadness”! So, are you feeling sad or tired? And did you know that excessive exposure to sunlight can be a cause of depression? Well, we’re here to rescue you! Here’s a set of X things you must try to get through these summer days like a breeze of fresh air. And yes, it begins from the unisex perfume list . 1. Deodorant / Perfume: Summer equals perspiration which also is a treat for the bacteria on your skin! So if you don’t want to be smelling like a forbidden creature from Loch Ness, use a perfume or a deodorant. You don’t need to be spending lavishly if you’re on a budge...